St Clement's Church, Knowlton, Kent

Knowlton Court, Canterbury, Kent, CT3 1PT
How to find us
Opening times:
Open daily 10am to 5pm. Please note, the CCT is responsible only for the church building. All other areas around the building are the property of the Knowlton Estate, and we would ask you to respect this. For parking, please park opposite the church. Photographs should be restricted to the interior and exterior of the church building. Please do not encroach on other areas of the Estate. For enquiries about this church, please contact Nick Watts -
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Cherubs bathe in coloured light

This pretty Medieval church is set in the grounds of Knowlton Court manor house. It is Medieval in origin but outwardly Victorian. The lovely interior features: carved wood; marble monuments including one commemorating the sons-in-law of Sir Cloudesley Shovel and ascribed to Grinling Gibbons; beautiful stained glass by Lavors, Barrand and Westlake that fills the church with coloured light.

Knowlton Guide

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