Community Supporter and Volunteer Evening 2025

5th June 2025

We would like to hear from you about community supporters and volunteers who you think are making an exceptional contribution and deserve special recognition!

Nominations are now OPEN. Complete our Online Form to nominate someone you know.


Register your attendance at the awards evening here.

Every year CCT recognises the incredible support and outstanding contributions of the community supporters and volunteers who help to care for our churches at the Community Supporter and Volunteer Evening culminating in the Community Supporter and Volunteer of the Year Awards. Generously supported by the Marsh Charitable Trust, the event will take place on 5th June, to coincide with national Volunteers’ Week. The event will once again be offered online. This makes it less time intensive for people to attend, accessible for many and offers a saving in resources, which our volunteers have indicated they value.

Please indicate if you will be attending here.

We would like to hear from you about community supporters and volunteers who you think are making an exceptional contribution and deserve special recognition! Complete our Online Form to nominate someone you know. Nominations will remain open until Sunday 13th April 2025 at midnight.

We are pleased to confirm the following award categories for 2025:

  • New for 2025: CCT Award for Creativity In preparation for our new strategy in April 2025, CCT would like to celebrate the myriad ways in which our community supporters and volunteers are able to utilise their creativity in looking after our churches. This could be a great partnership with a local group or business which has led to a fantastic event, perhaps people have spent hours to make information accessible to church visitors through exhibitions or reference books, or maybe there are innovative new uses the church is being put to. Please provide details on the initial idea, its implementation, as well as the outcome and any benefits such as wider community use, higher visitor numbers or greater income to help the judges see the difference creativity can make.
  • Regional Supporter of the Year: An award will be made in each of the three regions to a volunteer or community supporter whose contribution deserves special recognition within that region, in any capacity. This could be around profile raising activities, creative use of resources, outstanding ambassadorship, etc.
  • Fundraising Achievement of the Year: An award made to a volunteer, community supporter or group who has made a difference to their church through a fundraising activity. Let us know how much money was raised, how this was achieved.
  • Team of the Year:  An award to a volunteer team, friends group or community group who have carried out successful projects, events or activities together.
  • Digital Initiative of the Year: An award to a volunteer or community project which has made a particularly valuable contribution, through the use of digital skills to reach a wider audience. Make sure to include the link where this is visible, perhaps mention the total reach of the initiative.
  • Achieving Impact: An award to a volunteer or community supporter who has made a difference to a particular church (or churches), through a fresh approach or renewed energy (in the last 2 years). Examples could be around sustainable solutions that help save resources, be that environmental, financial, material or time. 

A short list of nominations will be considered by a panel from the Marsh Charitable Trust in April 2025. The award can be used entirely at the discretion of the recipient. All nominees will be acknowledged as a token of thanks for their support and contribution.


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