Sussex Serendipity in Chichester

St John the Evangelist Chapel, Chichester, West Sussex
18th July 2025

Enjoy an inspirational mix of words and music on Sussex themes by classical guitarist Linda Kelsall-Barnett and poet Barry Smith. Linda is the director of the West Sussex Guitar Orchestra and Barry is the director of the South Downs Poetry Festival, with two acclaimed poetry collections to his name.

Linda and Barry frequently perform at South Downs Poetry Festival events, including Chichester Cathedral, Petworth House and the Novium. They will be exploring nature and the Downland countryside with interweaving poetry and music. Linda is a classical guitarist from Chichester and has given several solo recitals for the Festival of Chichester. She teaches guitar locally and is an active member of the West Sussex Guitar Club. Barry’s poems have been recognised in national awards/competitions including BBC Proms Poetry, Culture Matters Bread & Roses, Slipstream and Tongues & Grooves. He was nominated for the 2023 T.S. Eliot Prize for his latest book, which is inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice books.

£10 from  or   

01243 816525

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