St Mary's Church, North Cockerington, Lincolnshire

Church Lane, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 0QD
How to find us
Opening times:
Closed whilst we carry out repairs. For further information please contact the Local Community Officer via email
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A shared churchyard

Unusually, the square-towered St Mary's shares a churchyard with another church, St Adelwold's.

The bulk of St Mary's dates from the thirteenth and fourteenth-centuries, although a blocked-up window in the chancel could date from before the Norman Conquest in 1066. It also has box pews and improving texts from the early nineteenth century, when the tower was rebuilt.There is a working watermill nearby,

The two churches are accessible through a farmyard.

This church costs £626 a year to maintain. Please make a contribution towards it's upkeep at our donate page:

A contribution can also by made by texting "NCO" to 70970 to donate £5 or 70191 to donate £10.  Thank you.