Project toolkits
Toolkits you can use to support project development

In collaboration with the National Heritage Training Group and the Heritage Lottery Fund, we developed a traditional craft skills toolkit which provides a step by step guide to putting traditional building skills and conservation training at the heart of your built heritage project.
The simple approach will help you to consider all aspects of delivering training on a ‘live site’ and will provide templates for training in addition to example contract clauses that can be incorporated into your tender documents.

In partnership with the Princes Regeneration Trust, The Churches Conservation Trust's Regeneration Taskforce have developed a toolkit aimed at volunteer and community groups seeking to bring new life to heritage buildings.
The toolkit focusses on a crucial part of the process for achieving funding and ensuring long-term project sustainability - the development of a well-structured business plan. It is intended to be accessible to all, especially those who have never looked at a business plan, let alone tried to put one together.
Written in sections to allow each part to be attempted one at a time, it is illustrated with helpful hints, quotes and case studies from other community groups who have gone through the process before.