CCT Regeneration Team Support Service

Applications open now: July – December 2020

We are aware that smaller organisations running, or planning to operate, new enterprises from historic buildings are facing unprecedented challenges at the moment, but we are hoping we can offer advice or a sympathetic ear. Our small team have considerable experience and knowledge with a wide range of skills and expertise supporting communities and restoring historic spaces.

If we can offer any support helping you look to the future, rethinking how you might need to adapt and change please get in touch. Issues we might be able to help with include:

Business and governance

  • Site closure
  • Loss of income streams
  • Staff changes


Activity and planning

  • Ongoing social distancing measures
  • Supplier delays
  • Reduced personal (and disposable) income
  • Interpretation, the new norm?


Consultation and engagement

  • Impact on volunteering support, particularly for organisations who rely on older volunteers

How does it work?

Get in touch with the team by emailing

In your application, please tell us:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details
  • Your organisation and whether you are a registered charity
  • Your question / immediate issue for the mentor to help with

CCT Regeneration Team will only have a limited time to support each organisation, so we’d recommend you ask for support with your most urgent issue. If we feel we can help we will allocate a member of the team who will get in touch with you using the contact details provided.

We’re offering up to 3 hours of support which will include an initial chat by email, phone or video conferencing,  some suggestions and recommendations (if applicable) and a follow-up phone call to check in with you in a few months’ time.